Sunday, January 3, 2010

2-The Marking of a New Life

The Marking of a new life.

Angel~Come on dad lets get our luggage
Angel and Sunny walk over to the luggage claim
Teija~Angel? ANGEL!!!!!
Angel ran over to Teija to hug her.
Lucinda~Long time no see

Lucinda and Sunny shook hands
Their hands started glowing they both let go instantly.
Sunny~Uh, I'm going out for some fresh air.
Lucinda~You girls hungry?

Sunny went outside the airport looking down at his hand.
Then at the ground,
He was floating in mid
Sunny started panicking, he fell down.
The ground had cracks around him.

Angel~Where is he it's been 10 minutes!
Lucinda~I'm going to find him be right back!
Teija~It's alright Angel he'll be back.

Lucinda went outside to see where Sunny was.
She starred at the cracks on the ground, there was a dent on the ground the shaped of Sunny's body
Lucinda went around the airport looking for him.
But it was no use Sunny was missing.
She walk to a nearby park looking around.
Lucinda stopped walking.
Her hand started to burn.
Her hand went on fire.
She couldn't feel any pain on her hand
She tried to shake the fire out but the fire shot everywhere.
Lucinda ran fast,She tripped over a rock
She felt a cool breeze.
She was flying, the fire on her hand went off.

After looking for Angels dad for an hour.
They went home.
Lucinda~Bedtime,Sorry Angel I could'nt find your dad.
Angel looked down at the ground feeling sad.
Teija led Angel to her bedroom.
A spare bed was set up for Angel.
Angel layed on the bed, she cryed herself to sleep wondering what happened to her dad.
Teija and Angel shot up from their bed
A loud noise came from the roof
Teija and Angel went over to the window
Teija~What was that?
The End of chapter 2

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